All Nations School of Prophets
ANSP Motto
“Let us become one through faith and obedience!”
Faith – Experiencing and relying solely on God through continuous encounters with Him (Hebrews 11:6).
Obedience – Following the voice of the Holy Spirit to fulfill God’s will, regardless of one’s circumstances or state (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
Unity – Becoming one with the church, following Jesus Christ, the head of the church (Ephesians 1:23).
Purpose of the ANSP Curriculum
The All Nations School of Prophets exists to prepare the next generation as members of Yulbang church to:
1. Understand their mission in this era.
2. Function within the identity of the church.
3. Be established as God’s approved vessels.
4. Go out into the world as prophets who proclaim God’s heart.
Understanding their mission in this era – Recognizing the mission of the church to be separate from the world and preparing for the Lord’s return as runners in these end times.
Functioning within the identity of the church – Fulfilling their role as members of the Yulbang Church body of Christ and sharing in its glory and calling.
Being established as God’s vessels – Living as those approved by God, not by worldly standards, in righteousness according to Scripture.
Going out into the world – Entering the world with the identity of a remnant, a holy bride of Christ, and advancing as a generation of unity and reconciliation.
ANSP Curriculum
“whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8-9)
From existence comes a form – At ANSP, the most important and foundational part of the curriculum is encountering God personally and understanding one’s identity. This is achieved through worship, the Word, and prayer. Building on this, students complete both core and specialized courses tailored to their individual callings. This holistic approach equips the next generation to function as integral members of Yulbang Church and live under the dominion of God’s kingdom.
Three Areas of ANSP Education
Courses that prepare students to become true worshippers, including Bible study, prayer, memorization, and ministry training.
Academic Subjects
Courses aligned with individual callings, such as language arts, English, mathematics, history, music, art, and physical education.
Special Activities & Training
Courses aimed at fostering unity in the church, including worship leading, serving in worship, prophetic intercession, teacher training, attending Zoe Ministry conferences, and Remnant Training (RT).
What is Remnant Training (RT)?
Remnant Training is a program designed to confirm the lessons students learn at ANSP and in the church through practical application in the world. It involves:
1. Intensive communal training to achieve unity and the identity of the church.
2. Visits to domestic and international locations to experience the history and culture of those areas.
3. Spiritual warfare and intercessory activities to establish remnant churches in those regions.
Examples of Remnant Training:
• August 2024: High school remnant training in Africa.
• March 2024: High school remnant training in the United States.
• December 2022: Middle school remnant training in Israel.
• October 2022: High school remnant training across seven European countries.